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Sanitary INFO



Since March 2020, the events and activities around KANDORYA have been particularly disrupted and we are adapting at all times (when possible) for the holding of the games but without compromising with security and health protocols, essential to date to fight against the COVID 19. While a number of events have been canceled or postponed over the past year, several events have taken place with, each time, the concern to offer events in a strict security environment and in compliance with current protocols. .

Decision making

On several occasions we have decided to cancel certain events or to maintain them (when possible and in accordance with health rules and prefectural directives).

Each time, decisions were made in the overriding interest of safety for all and in accordance with the health rules in force at the time of these events.

Format of events

We have adapted certain points of organization of events, so that no ambiguity or situation allows us to find ourselves in a context that would not be favorable to everyone's health security. Although the format of our events is not problematic and perfectly meets the requirements that the health situation requires every day, we are making some adaptations (often slight, but necessary) thus allowing us to remove any doubt about how the events should unfold.

The games taking place exclusively outdoors, on a rather very large space (about 50 hectares), the sanitary measures are rather easy to put in place and do not present the same risks as activities which would take place indoors. Obviously, it is also everyone's responsibility to respect these rules and to apply the barrier gestures and other necessary health directives.

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Throughout this very special 2020-2021 season, we have consulted and taken the opinions of the various Partners and Public Services.

Consultation of Partners, Organisers, Services and Public Institutions

All our decisions are taken in consultation or in transparent information with the Prefecture of Maine & Loire, the Gendarmerie of St Georges sur Loire, the Château de Serrant, local institutions, the CFS Rescue Station, all the Organisers, Volunteers, Partners , Providers, etc.

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INTER-KANDO Autumn 2021

October 8 to 10


The important points to remember from this event of the Inter-Kando d'Automne 2021. Sanitary measures are still in force and should not be neglected


Welcome on Friday  October 8 from 2 p.m. to 11 p.m. and Saturday October 9 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

No reception possible on the night of Friday to Saturday between 11 p.m. and 9 a.m.

- Reception in vehicles

- Several access points to facilitate the passage

1st Health Reception (Control of Health Passes) then second reception Ticket office. You must stay in the vehicles until the end of the checks.

- No entry will be allowed for visitors or accompanying persons.

- Sheet for vehicles, field access formalities:


- In view of the number of participants (more than twenty) the Sanitary Pass will be compulsory to enter the field for anyone aged 12 and over; it will consist of presenting one of the following:

- Vaccination, provided that people have a complete vaccination schedule: 1 week after the 2nd injection for double injection vaccines; 28 days after injection for single injection vaccines; 1 week after the injection for vaccines in people who have had Covid. Since mid-May, all vaccinated people, including those who were vaccinated at the beginning of January, can retrieve their vaccination certificate on the health insurance patient portal. In addition, any health professional can find a vaccination certificate and print it if a person requests it. (Source: Sanitary pass: all the answers to your questions

- Proof of a negative test within 72 hours : All PCR and antigen tests generate proof as soon as the professional enters the result in SI-DEP, which can be printed directly and which is also made available to the patient via an email and an SMS to pick it up at

(Source: Sanitary pass: all the answers to your questions

People who leave and re-enter the field will have to present a negative test again within 72 hours.

- The result of a positive RT-PCR or antigenic test attesting to recovery from Covid, dating back at least 15 days and less than 6 months. Why will the health pass be used in France? The development of the health pass on national territory is part of the plan to ease control measures and reopen establishments , allowing a form of return to normal life by minimizing the risk of contamination by the virus.

(Source: Sanitary pass: all the answers to your questions

How will the health pass work?

The health pass will make it possible to check the vaccination status, the result of a negative test or the certificate of recovery of a person, allowing him for example access to a gathering or an event of more than 20 people. The health pass will centralize several documents relating to Covid-19: the negative test result sheets, the Covid-19 recovery certificate or the vaccination certificate.

The health pass can be used in digital format via the TousAntiCovid Carnet application . This tool makes it possible to store the different certificates of a person, but also those of his children or people for whom he is responsible. It will also be possible to use the health pass in paper format by directly presenting the various documents (RT-PCR test or vaccination certificate).


How will people without a smartphone manage to use the health pass?

The health pass can be present in two forms depending on the choice of the user, to go to a gathering or an event of more than     20 people: in digital version (via the TousAntiCovid application) or in paper version. 

It will therefore be possible to present a paper version of the vaccination certificate given after the injection of the last dose, either the result of a negative test less than 72 hours old or positive more than two weeks old.


Are self-tests admissible under the health pass?

Self-tests are not considered in the health pass because of the conditions under which they are carried out, not supervised by a health professional, which does not make it possible to be sure that the sample and therefore the result are correct. Moreover, these tests do not make it possible either to ensure that the result is indeed that of the owner of the pass.

Are my health pass data secure? 

When your Health Pass is checked by an authority or an authorized person, the verification/reading operation is done locally (thanks to the TAC-Verif application), without data storage, without requesting a central server of data.  Only the signature of your health proof is checked on a central server with the TousAntiCovid Verif application to ensure its authenticity. All AntiCovid Verif having local management rules, only the signature of the certificate will be verified by a dedicated IN Groupe server respecting all information system security rules in order to guarantee the authenticity of the certificate to the reader.

How will the health pass be checked?

To manage the verification of the health pass, the proof documents will have a QR code which can be flashed using the TousAntiCovid Verif application by the operators of establishments open to the public, organizers of events concerned by the pass.

This application will have the "minimum" reading level with just the information "valid/invalid pass" and "surname, first name", without disclosing any further health information. The application will be available for free at the beginning of June.

(Source: Sanitary pass: all the answers to your questions

Who is subject to the Sanitary Pass?

As with all events, the public received is subject to the Sanitary Pass.

In situations where the pass is required, this requirement applies to the public received (from the age of 12 inclusive). Foreign tourists must also comply with the pass requirement in places where it is in force.

(Source Health Pass FAQ for Professionals


- It is no longer compulsory since the end of June in Maine & Loire. However, it is still recommended for any place or scene that would create a gathering and prevent social distancing. We advise you to keep one on you and use it if you deem it necessary.

It will be mandatory for the game start briefing.




- Signposting and direction of traffic to be respected

- Any vehicle that is improperly parked or deliberately left on the playing area on Saturday after 12 p.m. may result in the definitive dismissal of its owner from the KANDORYA 2021 event without compensation.



- Despite the "Inter" format of this edition, a wide distribution of players and camps is preferable on this edition in order to spread out the camps and allow a fairly wide layout of each camp. We are going to spread out the locations. We scrupulously ask participants to respect the markings. Any tent outside the areas provided for this purpose must be dismantled and replaced (we will be intransigent on this point as on all the others). Camp distribution plan for an Inter: Follow this link: very soon online


- This area will remain for this edition voluntarily open and limited in number of people. It is planned for the reception of players and arranged for good circulation and for the respect of barrier gestures.

- A direction of traffic, in entry and exit with marking will be put in place, in order to avoid the crossing of people and allow 1 m of social alienation.

- Hydroalcoholic gel available at each player passage point.



- The mask is no longer mandatory. We nevertheless ask everyone to continue to respect the barrier gestures.

- The Restoration Points will be outdoors.


- Provision of hydroalcoholic gel in each requested area



As for the public space we will ask that the same rules be applied

- Respect the usual barrier gestures still in force

- Mass fights are allowed again


There will no longer be a curfew on this event, which has been abolished since June 30, 2021.


- Complete disinfection before the game of the whole block but also during the whole event.

Continuous provision of disinfectant products to users, in the cabins, if they deem it necessary to use even more.

- Hydroalcoholic gel terminals available at several points.

- Provision of disinfectant wipes in the toilets throughout the event.

- Reminder of the rules: everyone must have and use their own roll of paper . You must bring and use your own roll of paper.


SANITARY TERMINALS on the rest of the site:

- Hydroalcoholic gel distribution terminals set up in the field at various strategic locations



-Establishment as usual of the First Aid Station. Insured by the French Center for First Aid.

-Increased surveillance and vigilance will be required when behaviors that could lead to a health risk, according to the rescuers.

- In the event of absence at the First Aid Station, please contact the PC Orga or the emergency number which appears on your wristband.



- The organizers, volunteers, referees will, as always, have a particular look at the safety of each other. They will be all the more vigilant this year again to remind them of the rules or intervene in the event of a serious breach of them.

- It is also everyone's responsibility to properly apply the necessary measures for themselves, but also to kindly remind their playmates of the rules if they momentarily forget them or are too distracted. We all need to be able to count on each other.

BUCKETS and waste management:

-No additional measures planned at this time. 1 dumpster placed in Edenorya as usual.

suspended animations


The baths will not be open


They can take place indoors (Cabaret) but also on the Place des Tavernes in Edenorya with respect for the current health rules.




The health and organizational measures that will be put in place are a key point for the smooth running of the event. These may be lightened or on the contrary hardened according to the rules which will be in force at the time of the event but also according to the behavior of the participants on site. We want to make participants as responsible as possible so that barrier gestures and sanitary measures are correctly applied. It is about everyone's civic action.

The basic sanitary rules are

Do not shake hands: Yes it will be hard, we will probably want to shake hands, kiss each other... We will have to give up these gestures while keeping the pleasure of meeting game friends and share good times together.

Do not kiss or hug: We greet each other from afar with the hand, the foot, what you want... but no kisses this year on Kandorya!

Wash your hands very regularly: The two water points currently available on the site are at the Edenorya toilet block and behind the baths. There are no others on the ground and there will never be others due to the excessive distances between connections to the city water circuit. These two water points will be arranged so that you can draw the necessary water. We encourage all participants away from these water points to plan their stocks and/or to refuel before the event when vehicles can still circulate on the ground (before Saturday at noon in this case)

This year, so that everyone can benefit from a hand washing point, hydroalcoholic gel terminals will be placed all over the field , at many points so that everyone can have this sanitary device at reasonable distances. It is everyone's responsibility to use them with care to ensure everyone's safety.

Cough or sneeze into your elbow: An important step that you are now used to doing. Thank you for respecting it also on the event.

Use a disposable handkerchief and throw it away: An important measure that you are now used to doing. Thank you for respecting it also on the event. Do not throw the handkerchief on the ground, keep it and throw it in your camp trash cans, dumpsters and other trash cans available

If you are sick: We ask that you do not come to the event. Your ticket remains valid (see below at Ticketing) for other events and we will have the pleasure of seeing you later.


Distance of 1m between people: Respect the distance of 1m between people. Certain in-game skills or actions will be re-evaluated or adapted based on this standard.

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We have many e-mails, outstanding requests and try to answer each of you as soon as possible. Before contacting us, check whether the answer to your question is not on this page or on the rest of the site.

If you do not find an answer, do not hesitate to contact us at for all questions concerning logistics, registrations, and everything concerning the organizational aspect. for everything related to the game and the atmosphere. No answer will be made on this email if it does not concern the game or the atmosphere.



Thank you to all of you !

If we encountered many pitfalls and sometimes many misunderstandings, we are particularly comforted in the idea that we had to manage this crisis with temperance and see where it would lead us before making hasty decisions. And this until the end of the possibilities that we had to decide on a postponement or a maintenance.

We have met for more than a year, very funny preachers who wanted to give us injunctions on our decisions at the very beginning of this crisis, or who sometimes asked us to take a stand when the time had not yet come. We were able to keep reason and it was really sometimes missed by some who were particularly insistent.


We also met with undeniable support, real encouragement and real promoters of the project. Many thanks to them.

Our thanks go to all the players, orgas, npc, referees, volunteers, GN-Aventures teams, collaborators and participants of Kandorya.

Our thanks go to all the exhibitors, service providers, partners who support the project and especially to the Château de Serrant to their owners and their teams, whom we particularly thank for their foresight and their lucidity on the crisis we had to go through.

Our thanks also go to the communities and administrations who have been diligent and have shown themselves to be accessible to answer our questions with kindness.

A very big thank you to everyone!

Laurent Jactat


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